

咖啡是许多人心目中的“生活必备品”,每天不喝上一杯都会觉得生活缺少了什么味道!但,咖啡因对宝宝会产生什么样的影响呢? 首先来了解一下什么是咖啡因(caffeine)吧~ Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in coffee, tea and other plants. It's also added to energy drinks like Red Bull, Coca-Cola and some sodas for taste (and caffeine). Caffeine can stay in the body up to six hours.

Although caffeine has been used as an herbal treatment since ancient times, there have not been conclusive studies on whether it works or causes harm. Researchers say more data is needed before they know if caffeine can help with pain relief、reduce anxiety or treat depression. And that means we don’t really know how much caffeine is safe for pregnant women.

According to one review of research published last year, no amount of caffeine is thought to pose specific risk during pregnancy because very little passes into breast milk after breastfeeding. But researchers who studied almost 50,000 Canadian mothers and babies said they did find that too much caffeine could cause hyperactivity in children. And high levels might lead to miscarriage. Studies suggest caffeine should be kept under 200 milligrams per day for healthy adults – which translates to about three cups of brewed coffee. Some coffee drinkers consume higher amounts than this at one sitting. So you may want to consider cutting down if you're expecting——or try drinking less caffeinated products such as green tea!

In fact, even light or moderate consumption of caffeine — around two to eight cups of coffee daily— increases the risks of problems associated with premature birth by between seven and nine percent, according to a study from April of last year. The study looked at thousands of Danish infants born early. In general, doctors recommend limiting yourself to just one serving every few days when pregnant so make sure your morning cup counts! If, however ,you are going through menopause ——then you might want to keep having your regular morning java——since caffeine may actually reduce hot flashes! According to recent animal test results released earlier this month……

"This new research adds fuel to


如果孕前是长期咖啡的爱好者,那可能还是会有点想念它的味道吧!但孕期是不建议再喝的哦~ 首先,咖啡因会刺激大脑兴奋,造成入睡困难、睡眠不踏实等,也会影响宝宝的大脑发育;其次,咖啡有可能会导致流产或者早产,所以还是忍一忍吧~

